Reduce, Reuse Recycle
In our earlier post on how to Recycle, Reduce and Reuse. We had shared a few tips on how to adapt a sustainable living.
Adding on to the earlier post, few more tips in this post of the Sustainable living series.
In the new millennium, a lot of importance has been attached to the concept of reducing the usage of substances or materials that harm the environment. A lot of organizations have come up to help reduce the damage done to the planet.
RecyclEarth Foundation is trying its bit to help heal the environment. This article helps in knowing and adapting hacks in their routine to reduce the damage being caused to the environment.
Few tips to help us reduce our dependence on the usage of certain items are:
- Turn off the vehicle while waiting at the signal (if the stop timer has more than 45 seconds on the clock) or if the vehicle is parked at the curbside
- Set the AC at 260C and turn on the fan, this will reduce consumption of electricity by the air-conditioner
- Reduce forwarding WhatsApp messages, each message forwarded adds to the global CO2 emissions
- Turn off taps while brushing your teeth
- Power down the car windows instead of using the AC whenever possible
- Whenever possible avoid elevators and use the steps
- Carpooling to work to reduce the usage of fuel
Reusing bottles as part of a DIY project
- Try buying refurbished electronic gadgets instead of new equipment whenever possible
- Buying glass milk bottles instead of plastic milk packets
- Using steel cutlery while getting takeaways from restaurants and cafes
- Reusing or upcycling waste items in DIY projects
- Implementing systems to reuse kitchen waste water for gardens
Recycling is cool
- Recycling kitchen waste into compost for gardens
- Donating glass and e-waste items for glass recycling
- Segregating recyclable waste at homes and offices
- Setting up bins in apartments and offices to collect recyclable waste
These are few of the tips that we could recall, feel free to share your tips in the comments section.